Doggerel: An Evening of Crappy Verse
Category: Event Calendar
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023 6:30pm - 8pm
San Diego Central Library, 9th Floor Shiley Special Events Suite - 330 Park Blvd
Doggerel poetry is poetry marked as having a loose style and irregular measure, especially for burlesque or comic effect. It's also slang for badly written poetry with little "merit". (We disagree!)
Join us as we kick off DogtoberFest with an evening of low-brow, overly-contrived, and badly constructed poetry. Win prizes for your lack of eloquence or surprise your audience with something approaching a cohesive thought!
Poets and non-poets of all skill levels are welcome. We will start with some workshopping, then move to an open mic poetry slam. Prizes will be given away throughout the program. Light refreshments will be available.