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Waiting Room: Health & Wellness Explored through Contemporary Craft

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Waiting Room: Health & Wellness Explored through Contemporary Craft Exhibition

Waiting rooms act as physical objects of containment, an agent of transition, a boundary, or a threshold. Often these liminal spaces invite introspections into our mental, emotional, and physical worlds. What does it mean to care for something? Someone? Ourselves? Expressions of care—or the lack thereof—shape the world in which we live, a world that is often fraught with competing tensions and complexities.
Waiting Room seeks to unpack matters of illness, suffering, and healing. Explored through a range of artistic interpretations and processes including metalwork, fiber art, ceramics, glass and woodworking, the works on view investigate how we express emotional resilience. How we bring our whole selves into the consulting room.

Articulated through contemporary craft, the conversation advances the important role of art in communicating our inner states. When something is internal and then externalized into a form, it frees us and allows both our physical and intangible selves to ponder, act, and address. It facilitates deep engagement with sensitive subjects and provides a stimulus that influences understanding, liberation, and relief.

Curated by Bonnie Domingos and featuring works by Warren Bakley, Charlotte Bird, Richard Burkett, Judith Christensen, Victoria Fu, Polly Jacobs Giacchina, Linda Litteral. Viviana Lombrozo, Adam John Manley, Kathleen Mitchell, Michelle Montjoy, Kathy Nida, Christian Garcia-Olivo, Matt Rich, Gail Schneider, Ross Stockwell, and Cheryl Tall.

Gallery Hours:
Monday and Tuesday, 1 – 7 p.m.
Wednesday – Saturday, Noon – 5 p.m.
Sunday, 1 - 5 p.m.

The visual arts program demonstrates the library’s role as a cultural institution embracing a broad range of disciplines while assisting San Diego's emerging, mid-career and professional artists achieve visible opportunities and receive wider local, regional, and national attention.

@sdpubliclibrary #SDPLGALLERY
IMAGE DETAIL: Courtesy of Adam John Manley & Maggie Sasso
Photograph by Mark Juliana